Monday, May 26, 2014

Riding the tricycle

It needs to be bigger, obviously.

She's been doing this at school, so it shouldn't be a surprise.

Her babysitter Chantelle has been doing this with her, too--again, shouldn't be a surprise. 


Yesterday was the first day I took Maybelle to the playground on her tricycle,and she can ride it by herself!

Riding the tricycle from Maybelle on Vimeo.


  1. Wow! That's really impressive :) - way to go Maybelle. Adorable pigtails too!

  2. An awesome achievement! Hooray!!!!

    My typical son rode a tricycle independently right after he turned 6 (sensory integration issues, dyspraxia, motor delays, etc).

    It was a real boost to his self-esteem, and I was so proud of him for never giving up.

    He's a teen now and doesn't express interest in bike-riding (big relief there).

    I don't know if he'll ever drive, but he's a great walker. My hope is that he'll live in a cosmopolitan city with several transportation options. I can see him thriving in a college town.

    Happy summer, keep on truckin'!

  3. I loved hearing you cheer her on in the background!
